Tag: Master DNS server

Secondary DNS

Get familiar with Secondary DNSGet familiar with Secondary DNS

Using the Secondary DNS to preserve a trustworthy copy of your data is an excellent idea. You’ve probably come to this post because you’ve heard about it and want to increase the reliability of your DNS. Yes, secondary DNS is really beneficial for providing peace of mind, especially in the current world where DDoS attacks and other DNS issues are so common. Let’s clarify things a bit more and go through the details.

DNS zone – the definition

To handle the DNS namespace more accurately, the DNS server can hold a large number of zones. The DNS zone is a part of that namespace.  It’s an area where you can find more organized and controllable DNS components. It would be best to direct your domain to various servers, such as mail servers, web servers, and so on, to function effectively and precisely. You can create additional DNS records in the DNS zone to perform this task. The DNS zone is where you’ll save all of your DNS records. 
